

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

Statoil In Control Over The Cyber Attack

Statoil is still doing well, despite lower oil prices. PHOTO: Statoil/Harald Pettersen

[News] Statoil was the target of a major cyber attack last year that lasted three days. Statoil now claims it has control over the targeted attack. 

The attack started on March 12 by hackers who were entering their security systems. Alarms rang when Statoil’s Intrusion Detection System (IDS) discovered that someone was trying to download code into some of Statoil’s employees’ computers. Statoil’s IT experts then saw that the code tried to enable communication with so-called “black lists,” areas within Statoil’s systems that aren’t related to ordinary business operations.

Now, Statoil’s defense systems block around 2,500 emails sent to the company every week, because of suspicious files and content and the virus alarm sounds a few thousand times. This computer security area is expected to grow as cyber criminals are getting rapidly sophisticated and dangerous, leaving employees and organisations exposed to dangerous advanced threats.

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