

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

 Smarttech247 Expands Operations into Switzerland

26 June 2024

Smarttech247 Expands Operations into Switzerland

Smarttech247 (AIM: S247), a multi-award-winning provider of AI-enhanced cybersecurity services providing automated managed detection and response for a portfolio of international clients, is pleased to announce it has opened an office in Switzerland, furthering the Company’s global business expansion strategy following its recently announced strategic partnership in the Middle East.

As part of this expansion, the Company will hire locally based professionals to be based in its new office, located in Zurich. The new team will play a critical role in supporting the Company’s VisionX platform, a solution designed to offer advanced threat detection and response services.

Recent research has highlighted that Swiss companies are increasingly facing threats from AI generated phishing emails, disinformation campaigns and supply chain attacks. With the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority identifying cyber risks as one of the most significant operational threats to financial institutions, Smarttech247’s expansion is set to strengthen its global presence whilst supporting the growing number of businesses in Switzerland in their fight against cybercrime.

Alongside this expansion, Smarttech247 is proud to participate in an upcoming Enterprise Ireland trade mission in Switzerland. This event is part of a visit by an Enterprise Ireland delegation of Irish companies to Switzerland led by Irish Ambassador Aoife McGarry, providing the Company with a platform to showcase the capabilities of VisionX and explore new business opportunities within the new jurisdiction.

Raluca Saceanu, CEO of Smarttech247, commented:

“We are delighted to bring our expertise and innovative solutions to the Swiss Market. Our VisionX platform has been instrumental in protecting organisations globally and we are confident that this expansion will further strengthen our position as a leader in cybersecurity.

“We look forward to welcoming new talent to our team and driving business growth in this dynamic market.”

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