

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Smarttech247 Announces Strategic Partnership with Egress

20 May 2024

Helping Organisations Defend Against the Latest Cyber Threats

Smarttech247 (AIM: S247), a multi-award-winning provider of AI-enhanced cybersecurity services providing automated managed detection and response for a portfolio of international clients, is pleased to announce its strategic partnership with Egress, the integrated cloud email security firm.

As part of the partnership, Smarttech247 will offer Egress’ Intelligent Email Suite, enabling its customers access to its advanced range of inbound and outbound email security solutions. It will allow Smarttech247’s customers to benefit from the only cloud email security platform to continuously assess human risk and adapt its policy controls, providing them with automated and tailored protection.  

This, combined with Smarttech247’s 24/7 threat detection and response capabilities, will help to simplify organisations’ cybersecurity, enabling them to focus on other high-priority areas of the business without compromising on security.

Raluca Saceanu, CEO of Smarttech247, commented:

“This collaboration with Egress marks a significant step forward in the fight against cybercrime, offering transparent and robust cybersecurity solutions tailored to the complexities of the evolving threat landscape. We recognise that people are most vulnerable to cyber attacks when using their email, therefore we are committed to delivering cybersecurity solutions that meet the demands of the evolving threat landscape through one simple-to-use platform.”

Dan Hoy, VP of Strategic Partnerships at Egress, commented:

“We are delighted to formally partner with Smarttech247, as we share the common vision of making cybersecurity transparent and manageable for our customers. Through this partnership, we are excited to offer our cutting-edge email security to Smarttech247 customers for advanced inbound and outbound threats.”

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