

Friday, September 13th, 2024

Cybersecurity Week in Review (13/09/24)

The Effects of Generative AI on High Skilled Work: Evidence from Three Field Experiments with Software Developers 

This study evaluates the impact of generative AI on software developer productivity by analyzing data from three randomized controlled trials conducted at Microsoft, Accenture, and an anonymous Fortune 100 electronics manufacturing company. 


UK National Crime Agency, responsible for fighting cybercrime, ‘on its knees,’ warns report 

The National Crime Agency (NCA), once heralded as British law enforcement’s elite answer to the questions posed by serious and organized crime, including cybercrime, is “on its knees” according to a new report. 


Feds Warn on Russian Actors Targeting Critical Infrastructure 

The United States, alongside several of its allies including the UK, are accusing the Russian military of attacking global critical infrastructure units through malicious cyber operations bent on espionage, sabotage, and reputational damage. 


Ransomware attack forces high school in London to close and send students home 

A high school in south London has announced it will be closed for the first half of this week due to a ransomware attack, leaving approximately 1,300 students in the lurch. 


Poland neutralises sabotage group linked to Belarus and Russia 

Polish security services have neutralised a sabotage operation orchestrated by Russia and Belarus that aimed to destabilise Poland, Deputy Prime Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski said on Monday. “The Belarusian and Russian foreign services… had a specific goal – to extort information, to blackmail individuals and institutions and to wage a de facto cyberwar,” said Gawkowski, who is also minister for digital affairs. 


Car rental giant Avis data breach impacts over 299,000 customers 

American car rental giant Avis notified customers that unknown attackers breached one of its business applications last month and stole some of their personal information. 


SpyAgent Android malware steals your crypto recovery phrases from images 

A new Android malware named SpyAgent uses optical character recognition (OCR) technology to steal cryptocurrency wallet recovery phrases from screenshots stored on the mobile device. 


NoName ransomware gang deploying RansomHub malware in recent attacks 

The NoName ransomware gang has been trying to build a reputation for more than three years targeting small and medium-sized businesses worldwide with its encryptors and may now be working as a RansomHub affiliate. 


Akira Ransomware Actors Exploit SonicWall Bug for RCE 

Threat actors, including Akira ransomware affiliates, have begun exploiting a critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability that SonicWall disclosed — and patched — in its Gen 5, Gen 6, and some versions of its Gen 7 firewall products last month. 


Earth Preta Hackers Added New Tools To Their Arsenal 

Earth Preta, also known as Mustang Panda, Bronze President, RedDelta, and Red Lich, is a sophisticated Chinese APT group that has been active since at least 2012. Trend Micro researchers recently discovered that Earth Preta hackers added new tools to their arsenal. 



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