Insurance Sector

Digitalization and Technology Integration

The insurance sector is experiencing a significant shift as it embraces digitalization and technology integration. This transformation brings numerous benefits, but it also elevates the risk of cyberattacks. With vast amounts of sensitive customer data, financial information, and confidential records at stake, cybersecurity plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the insurance industry. Moreover, the complexity of the supply chain, including third-party vendors and partners, introduces additional entry points for cybercriminals to exploit. Adhering to emerging regulations and compliance standards is paramount to avoid penalties and reputational damage.


Given the immense value associated with the insurance sector, it has become an attractive target for cybercriminals seeking financial gains and engaging in fraudulent activities. A successful cyberattack could not only lead to financial losses but also significantly damage an insurance company’s reputation, eroding customer trust and confidence. Maintaining customer trust is paramount in the insurance industry, and a single high-profile breach can have far-reaching consequences, such as decreased sales, loss of market share, and potential legal repercussions. Therefore, insurers must prioritize robust cybersecurity measures to protect their assets and confidential information.

Securing the Insurance Industry

Digital Transformation

The increasing speed and accessibility of digital communications are empowering customers through technology, elevating their expectations for seamless and secure interactions with insurers. To meet these evolving demands, insurers must prioritize data ownership, protection, and permission levels to effectively serve their customers while ensuring the secure handling of sensitive information. Drawing insights from successful data management approaches in other sectors can guide insurers in implementing robust cybersecurity measures and maintaining customer trust in the digital age.

Supply Chain

The insurance sector relies on a complex supply chain involving policyholders, agents, underwriters, and third-party vendors. Insurance companies must ensure cybersecurity standards are met throughout the supply chain. Smarttech247’s GRC Services embedded in their MDR Platform VisionX enable manufacturers to assess and enforce cybersecurity standards across all suppliers, a crucial step in safeguarding sensitive data and preventing breaches. Integrating GRC Services allows insurance companies to proactively manage cybersecurity risks and protect customer information.

Aging Population

The aging population poses challenges for insurers as they seek innovative ways to fund long-term care and develop flexible retirement solutions. With an evolving labor market featuring fewer young workers and more older part-time employees, insurers must prioritize cybersecurity measures to protect the sensitive data of this demographic. Collaborating with cybersecurity companies can help insurers implement tailored solutions, secure digital platforms, and specialized customer education to address privacy concerns and enhance services for the aging population.

Data Privacy

In the insurance sector, where vast amounts of sensitive customer information and financial data are handled, protecting this data is crucial for maintaining customer trust and complying with data privacy regulations. Our DLP solutions, powered by Forcepoint DLP, prioritize a Data-First SASE approach, ensuring data security in cloud and on-premises environments. We implement data encryption, strict access controls, and best practices for data storage to safeguard customer information and uphold data privacy standards.

Security with Speed and Accuracy

Smarttech247 solutions are developed keeping in mind the constantly evolving threat landscape and the dynamic cyber industry bombarded by new and unique vulnerabilities every single day. We are proud to have developed a suite of turnkey cyber solutions tailored for every industry. Our core MDR Capabilities including 24/7 Monitoring, Threat Intelligence and Incident Management comes in addition with our complimentary MDR Capabilities including Security Dashboards, Tech and API Integrations, Attack Surface Management, Cybersecurity Validation, Incident Containment and Integrated Managed Phishing. With all these offerings, we provide you Security at speed and with accuracy which are key to the Insurance Industry.

Managed  Detection Response

With around-the-clock security orchestration, monitoring, and rapid incident response, VisionX ensures your organization remains safeguarded from potential security threats. Our proactive approach and state-of-the-art MDR platform work in tandem to minimize threat dwell time, reduce data breach risks, and guarantee timely incident response, thereby safeguarding your organization’s seamless operations. VisionX offers comprehensive cybersecurity validation, dynamic risk governance, and seamless security technology integration. This empowers your organization to scale securely and confidently, making VisionX the ultimate solution for your cybersecurity needs.

Attack Surface Management

With the ever expanding threat landscape and the nature of risks, the challenge of attack surface management extends beyond just discovering vulnerabilities in known assets. Modern cyber security demands continuous monitoring of your entire threat surface and requires contextual insights into risks. ThreatHub is our next generation AI powered automated attack surface intelligence platform providing real-time continuous insights into emerging threats and attack vectors. Designed with a hacker-mindset, ThreatHub is powered with intelligent automation driven by human-context, making it our industry leading solution for managing your entire threat surface, both internal and external vendors.

Are you prepared?

Industry Challenges


Ransomware poses a significant threat in the insurance sector, as malicious software encrypts critical claims data, disrupting the claims process and causing immense operational and financial disruptions. Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in insurers’ systems and demand ransom payments in exchange for restoring access to the encrypted data.


Phishing presents a significant cybersecurity challenge in the insurance sector, where cybercriminals craft deceptive emails to target policyholders. These fraudulent emails appear as legitimate communications from insurers, tricking recipients into disclosing personal information or unknowingly altering their policies. The high volume of sensitive data and financial transactions involved in the insurance industry makes it a prime target for phishing attacks.

Supply Chain Compromise

Supply chain compromise poses a significant cybersecurity risk in the insurance sector, where cybercriminals target third-party vendors and partners to gain unauthorized access to insurers’ networks and sensitive customer data. By exploiting vulnerabilities in the supply chain, attackers can infiltrate the entire insurance ecosystem, leading to potential data breaches and financial losses. Insurers must adopt stringent security measures and conduct thorough risk assessments on all partners and vendors to mitigate supply chain-related cyber threats and safeguard customer information.

Regulation Compliance Risks

Non-compliance with data protection and cybersecurity regulations can lead to severe penalties and reputational damage. Insurers handle vast amounts of sensitive customer data, and failure to adhere to regulatory standards may result in legal consequences and loss of customer trust. To mitigate compliance risks, insurers must prioritize robust cybersecurity measures, implement data protection protocols, and continuously monitor and assess their regulatory compliance efforts to ensure the highest level of data security and regulatory adherence.

Advanced Persistent Threats

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) pose a significant cybersecurity threat in the insurance sector. These persistent cyberattacks, orchestrated by well-funded adversaries, aim to gain prolonged access to insurers’ systems and sensitive data for malicious purposes. APTs often use sophisticated techniques to remain undetected, allowing them to continuously exploit vulnerabilities and exfiltrate valuable information over extended periods. To defend against APTs, insurers must implement robust cybersecurity defenses, conduct regular threat assessments, and prioritize continuous monitoring to detect and respond to these stealthy and determined adversaries effectively.


Laya Healthcare

Laya Healthcare (part of the AIG Group) deal with vast quantities of data across medical and financial aspects of their business and a particular challenge for them was the volume of security logs that are created on a daily basis. There is a large amount of information coming from the firewalls and servers. Laya Healthcare was faced with limited visibility across their network. There was also limited ability to correlate the millions of events that took place within their environment.


Smarttech247 provided Laya Healthcare with IBM QRadar, a SIEM solution that was straightforward to deploy, that could deal with large volumes of data and most importantly, give real-time visibility into Laya Healthcare’s overall risk and security posture. The SIEM solution identifies the most sophisticated cyber-attacks through advanced correlation driving vulnerability management with QVM and BigFix. Consolidating multiple security feeds from antivirus systems, IPS/IDS and APT Technologies in a single pane of glass for real-time security intelligence. This allowed Laya Healthcare to gain visibility across their networks and concentrate on their core business.

Unlock Your Potential with VisionX: Empowering the Insurance Sector

In the ever-evolving landscape of the insurance sector, safeguarding your organization’s cybersecurity is of utmost importance. Our VisionX MDR Platform is the ultimate solution, consolidating all facets of insurance cybersecurity into a single unified platform. With a strong focus on real-time visibility, security orchestration, dynamic risk governance, and comprehensive security technology integration, VisionX stands out as the go-to choice for insurance security.


Our platform offers a holistic approach to insurance cybersecurity, empowering organizations to identify, respond to, and mitigate threats effectively. What sets VisionX apart is its incorporation of AI and Intelligent Automation, enabling the consolidation of all cybersecurity elements into a comprehensive dashboard. This unique visualization caters to your security teams and CISOs, providing an intuitive and actionable view of your organization’s security posture.


With VisionX MDR Platform, unlock the full potential of your insurance cybersecurity. Embrace the power of real-time insights, automated responses, and comprehensive risk governance. Elevate your security capabilities and ensure a robust defense against evolving threats. Trust VisionX to safeguard your insurance organization and embark on a journey of secure and seamless insurance operations.

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